Founder Fundamentals: How to Make Your Website More Profitable September 2023 Cohort

Does it feel like Google is out to get you? That everything  is pay for play? Have you tried all the "hacks" only to be in the same place you were? Does it feel like you can't catch up to your media spend or that decent margins are impossible online?
That's all about to change.
This is a no BS guide to how the internet actually works (at the algorithm level) and how to use that information to your (profitable) advantage.
Katharine McKee has almost two decades of experience building end to end digital commerce pillars for companies large and small. She has created over $200MM in incremental revenue for her clients and has an average of 600% profitable sales growth per client. Join this course where she will take you through the back end of how the algorithms really work and how to position your website to take advantage of them.

 What do you get?

A 7 week guide on how to make your website faster, more clear, get better traffic and more sales all without media spend.

Join other brand founders and ecommerce executives in learning how to get your websites more profitable. 

Your instructor, Katie, has been in ecommerce for 16 years, has made more than $200MM in incremental revenue for clients and is now bringing that expertise to you!

In this seven week course you will learn how various digital systems work and how to use them to your advantage. You'll also learn how to increase your organic un-paid traffic, how to make a site that converts happy customers and how to close a sale that will keep them coming back for more.

Clients who work directly with Katie spend upwards of $20,000 for this service alone. We are offering it to you for a steal at $1500

Katie has been trying for years to create tools that will help democratize ecommerce. You shouldn't pay for your traffic, you shouldn't feel like Google is out to get you and you shouldn't spend a ton of money on an agency that is just going to tell you to buy more ads. What she set out to build was a course that was affordable and actionable. She has made several rounds, taking customer feedback into account and landed on this version. Lessons build on each other. They are structured so that you understand and are comfortable with the "why" so that post-course you are able to continue to action what you learn and apply it to making more money in your business.

The focus is on growth, but at a profit. No hacky BS here, just tried and true, mathematically backed instructions to get your site performing the way you want it to.

Can't wait to see you in there!

Enrollment ends on 9/20/23

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More Traffic

Get more and better traffic without media spend. Students in the beta saw traffic 3x on average


More Conversions

Better traffic means you are being found by those who are looking to buy. Students in the beta saw conversions double

Better Margins

Your ideal customers finding you for free means less media spend. Better organic rank will also bring down your CPCs. Win/Win

"Once I took this class, I changed our site headers immediately and worked on updated copy to fix the homepage and all of our Product Detail Pages. There were so many helpful & actionable tips in each module of this course."

Beta Round Feedback
$5MM Brand Owner

Founder Fundamentals: How to Make Your Website More Profitable

NO more hacks and BS. This is your 7 week, step by step guide to a website that will make you more money.

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